
BMJ: British Medical Journal: Published September 2024Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by disabling, recurrent episodes of moderate to severe headache and accompanying symptoms lasting up to 72 hours. The acute management of migraine episodes consists of drug interventions aimed at providing rapid and sustained pain relief, and,...
Archives of Dermatological Research: Published: August 2024Vitiligo, an autoimmune condition characterized by depigmented skin patches due to the loss of functional melanocytes, has been linked to dysregulation in the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, particularly in IFN-g signaling. The use of JAK inhibitors, such as ruxolitinib cream, a JAK1 and JA...
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology: Published: March, 2024Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, and LDL cholesterol is a major causal risk factor.Diabetes substantially increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.TAKE-HOME MESSAGEIn this participant-level meta-analysis of 19 trials, sta...
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment: The goals in caring for patients with diabetes mellitus are to eliminate symptoms and to prevent, or at least slow, the development of complications. FIND BELOW TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES:
Management of hypertensionMany guidelines exist for the management of hypertension. Most groups, including the JNC, the American Diabetes Associate (ADA), and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) recommend lifestyle modification as the first step in managing hypertension.Lifestyle modificationsJNC 7 recommendation...
Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time—few treatment options exist for people infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The 2020 Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines were developed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) Guidelines Committee based on evidence criteria to be used globally. RemoveIn addition to BP control, the therapeutic strategy should include lifestyle changes, body weight control and the effective treatment of the other risk fac...
The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and American Thoracic Society (ATS) issued updated clinical practice guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), an infection of the lung parenchyma that occurs in persons outside of a hospital setting, is associated with high morbidity and mortality.&nb...
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon (AAOS): American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon (AAOS) developed 14 strong and moderate-strength recommendations to decrease surgical site infections after major extremity trauma Summary of Recommendations 1.      Initial Antibiotics Early delivery of antibiotics is...
Best Practice Advice from the American College of Physicians The American College of Physicians (ACP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recognized antibiotic-resistant infections as a global threat. Antimicrobial overuse, particularly with broad-spectrum antibiotics, drives resistance and causes adverse events in u...
AGA Gastroenterology Journal: Published on November, 2022In adults, obesity-related complications, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and certain types of cancer (eg, colorectal cancer), have also increased, contributing to high morbidit...
PubMed: September 2023Seizures are common in neonates, but there is substantial management variability. The Neonatal Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) developed evidence-based recommendations about antiseizure medication (ASM) management in neonates in accordance with ILAE standards. Seizures are the most common neu...