
JAMA Internal Medicine: Published on May, 2023Diabetic kidney disease is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney failure in the vast majority of the world. TAKE-HOME MESSAGEThis randomized clinical trial evaluated the use of glucose-lowering medications on kidney outcomes. A total of 5047 patients with type 2 diabet...
In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin may be used to augment therapy with oral glycemic medications or as insulin replacement therapy.The goals of therapy should be individualized based on many factors, including age, life expectancy, comorbid conditions, duration of diabetes, risk of hypoglycemia, cost, patient motivation, and qu...
DIET, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy designed to achieve and maintain >5% weight loss should be prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes who are overweight or obese and ready to achieve weight loss.    Such interventions should be high intensity (≥16 sessi...
Obesity is now recognised as a disease that is associated with serious morbidity and increased mortality. One of its main metabolic complications is type 2 diabetes, as the two conditions share key pathophysiological mechanisms. Weight loss is known to reverse the underlying metabolic abnormalities of type 2 diabetes and, as such, improve gluc...
Insulin Initiation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Insulin initiation and titration is a challenge for many primary care providers (PCPs) involved in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. What are ADA recommendations?The early introduction of insulin should be considered -·        if there is evidence of ongoing catabolism (weight...
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment: The goals in caring for patients with diabetes mellitus are to eliminate symptoms and to prevent, or at least slow, the development of complications. FIND BELOW TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES: RemoveAvailable Brand