
From The Journal of Infectious Diseases and The British Medical Journal: Sepsis mortality has improved following advancements in early recognition and standardized management, including emphasis on early administration of appropriate antimicrobials. However, guidance regarding antimicrobial duration in sepsis is surprisingly limited....
Take Home Messages: Derangement in calcium homeostasis is common in nephrotic syndrome (NS). It is asuumed that low serum total calcium and vitamin D levels are due to loss of protein-bound calcium and vitamin D. But it is unclear if free calcium and free vitamin D levels are truly low. The guideline is lacking with regards to calci...
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most commonly used medications in the world. Developed for the treatment and prevention of acid-mediated upper gastrointestinal conditions, these agents are being used increasingly for indications where their benefits are less certain. PPI over prescription imposes an economic cost and contri...
JAMA Network Anemia is the most widespread nutritional deficiency among pregnant females in the world. A total of 40.05% of pregnant females worldwide had anemia during pregnancy, with the highest prevalence (48.15%) in Southeast Asia. Because of the high prevalence of anemia, any adverse maternal and fetal outcomes associated with...
JAMA Network Anemia is the most widespread nutritional deficiency among pregnant females in the world. A total of 40.05% of pregnant females worldwide had anemia during pregnancy, with the highest prevalence (48.15%) in Southeast Asia. Because of the high prevalence of anemia, any adverse maternal and fetal outcomes associated with...
JAMA Network From 2016 to 2020, increases were seen in anxiety and depression among children, while decreases were observed in parent or caregiver mental health and coping with parenting demands, according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics. The recent release of the 2020 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) offers an opp...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care: BMJ Journal Bangladeshi researchers identify new pathological cause of diabetes. The team of researchers from multiple local and foreign universities, through a five-year (2015-2020) study on 574 non-diabetic people aged between 30 and 60, have discovered that deficiency of the Intestinal Alkaline Ph...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care: BMJ Journal Bangladeshi researchers identify new pathological cause of diabetes. The team of researchers from multiple local and foreign universities, through a five-year (2015-2020) study on 574 non-diabetic people aged between 30 and 60, have discovered that deficiency of the Intestinal Alkaline Ph...
Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is the second leading cause of child mortality and morbidity, particularly in low-income countries. Although 30% reduction in mortality for diarrhea has been achieved, AGE still accounts for 550,000 deaths per year in infants and children younger than 5 years. The Federation of International Societies of Pedi...
The management of Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) is essentially based on 5 steps: 1.     Assessment of dehydration by simple, reproducible, and validated parameters and/or clinical score; 2.     Prompt rehydration with reduced osmolality ORS; 3.     Avoidance of elimination diets and continuing of breast-feeding in infants and reg...
British Medical Journals (BMJ): IntroductionProton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly prescribed drugs indicated for several gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer disease, GERD and Barrett’s oesophagus. Recent evidence suggests that PPIs are commonly overprescribed, either in patients without an evidence-based indication fo...
JAMA Internal Medicine: Key Points Question What is the risk of perinatal complications associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and what factors are associated with hospitalizations? Findings In this cohort study of 43 886 pregnant individuals, SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy was associated with an increased ris...