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Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a chronic common inflammatory skin disease, affecting 1-3% of the adult population which is a common chronic erythematous scaly eruption usually seen in areas rich in sebaceous glands, the scalp, face, chest, back, and flexural areas.Malassezia yeasts have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease. Antif...
Pityriasis versicolor (PV) also known as tinea versicolor, which is chronic and superficial fungal skin disease caused by Malassezia yeasts. A permanent cure may difficult to achieve and this may explain the long-term nature of the disease. Consequently, a preventive treatment regimen may help to prevent the recurrence of pityriasis versicolor....
The British Journal of DermatologyDermatophytic infections have undergone unprecedented changes in India in the recent past. Oral antifungal drugs are considered to have a high cure rate in tinea corporis, tinea cruris and tinea faciei.Clinical trials to find out the effectiveness of the four main oral antifungal drugs are lacking.Authors teste...
International Journal of Research in Dermatology: Published on February, 2021Dermatophytic infections are the most prevalent fungal infections, which affect majority of the global population. Indian climate, especially the hot and humid conditions contribute majorly to dermatophytosis. Azoles are the most commonly used antifungal agents due  t...
Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor is a superficial fungal infection and one of the most commonly found pigmentary disorders of skin caused by the yeast Malassezia. Multiple topical as well as systemic therapies are available for treatment. Systemic therapies are used for extensive disease, frequent relapse or where topical agents have failed. TAKE...
JAMA DERMATOLOGY: Pityriasis (tinea) versicolor often reoccurs even after successful treatment, with relapse rates ranging from 60% to 90% within two years. Therefore, it is important to evaluate a prophylactic regimen that may be effective and safe in preventing the recurrence of pityriasis versicolor.Treatment options for pityriasis versicol...
BioMed Central (BMC Dermatol) Journal: ECTODERM IndiaSuperficial fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, non-dermatophytic moulds and commensal yeasts. Dermatophytes, the most common causative agents, are assuming high significance in developing countries like India.Currently, dermatologists across India are inundated with cases of derm...
The Lancet: Published on November, 2022Aspirin is widely recommended for the secondary prevention of thrombotic vascular disease.  Its use is limited principally by increased risk of bleeding, particularly from the gastrointestinal tract.The risks of upper gastrointestinal bleeding can be mitigated in part by acid suppression with proton pump i...
International Journal of Research in Dermatology (IJORD): Published on May, 2021The   number   of   new   cases   of dermatophytosis   on   the   rise   but also   a   humungous number  of  patients  are  experiencing  a  great  degree  of relapses  and  recurrences.  Causes   like   drug   resistance,   poor   drug compliance, inadequate...
Indian Journal of Dermatology: Published on July, 2020A Randomized Controlled Parallel Group Open Labeled Trial with Clinico-Mycological Correlation.Tinea is a superficial fungal infection caused by dermatophytes which invade and multiply within the keratinized tissue (skin, hair, nails). Approximately 20%-25% of the world population is affecte...
Pediatric Dermatology: Published on November 2020Head and neck dermatitis (HND) is a clinical variant of atopic dermatitis (AD), presenting in adolescence or adulthood and characterized by involvement of the head, neck, and superior part of the trunk. The role of Malassezia spp has been advocated in the pathogenesis of HND, and antifungal agent...
JAMA Dermatology: Published on September 28, 2022With worldwide emergence of recalcitrant and resistant dermatophytosis, itraconazole is increasingly being used as the first-line drug for treatment of tinea corporis/cruris (TCC). Apparent inadequacy with low doses has led to empirical use of higher doses and antifungal combinations.This study ai...