Efficacy of Itraconazole in the Prevention of Recurrence of Tinea Versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor (PV) also known as tinea versicolor, which is chronic and superficial fungal skin disease caused by Malassezia yeasts. A permanent cure may difficult to achieve and this may explain the long-term nature of the disease.

Consequently, a preventive treatment regimen may help to prevent the recurrence of pityriasis versicolor.


The aim of the study is whether, the recurrence of tinea versicolor could be prevented by monthly itraconazole treatment regimen after a short course of itraconazole therapy.

Multi-center trial was characterized by an open, active treatment phase with itraconazole followed by a randomized placebo controlled treatment for prevention of recurrence.

A total 200 patients (150 male and 50 female) were included in this study and was given 200mg itraconazole daily for 7 days (treatment phase).

Patients in whom tinea versicolor was mycologically cured divided into Group A and Group B.

Active open treatment was followed by preventive itraconazole treatment 200mg twice daily in Group A and placebo in Group B monthly for 6 consecutive months. Clinical improvement in 90% and Mycological cure in 85.5% were found at the end of open treatment.

The mycological cure, 171 subjects were taken into this study for preventive treatment phase and divided into two groups- Group A & Group B. Preventive treatment was given in Group A and placebo in Group B.

After the preventive treatment, the end point (After 6 months), clinical improvement and mycological cure were found in 90% and 83.3% in Group A. No patient experienced any serious adverse effects. Prevention of recurrence of Pityriasis versicolor with itraconazole is as effective as treatment.

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