Chinese company Sinovac is developing a vaccine based on inactivated Covid-19 particles. The vaccine has shown a promising safety profile in the early stages of testing and is now moving into Phase 3 trials in Brazil involving 9,000 volunteers. Already Phase 3 trials for Sinovac's CoronaVac began last week in Indonesia involving 1,620 volunteers.

PHASE 3 Trials

The private Chinese company Sinovac Biotech is testing an inactivated vaccine called CoronaVac. In June the company announced that Phase 1/2 trials on 743 volunteers found no severe adverse effects and produced an immune response.

The company is also building a facility to manufacture up to 100 million doses annually.


Vaccines Produced

Sinovac commercialized 5 vaccines products in China including,

·         Healive (Hepatitis A)

·         Bilive (Combined Hepatitis A & B)

·         Anflu (Seasonal Influenza)

·         Panflu (Pandemic Influenza H5N1)

·         PANFLU.1 (Panedemic Influenza A H1N1)


Vaccines on Pipelines

Sinovac is developing a number of new products including,

·         SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

·         Sabin-strain inactivated polio vaccine (sIPV)

·         Pneumococcal polysaccharides vaccine

·         Quadrivalent influenza vaccine



This is for informational purposes only. You should consult your clinical textbook for advising your patients.