American Epilepsy Society issues
guideline and treatment algorithm for convulsive status epilepticus. The
guideline was endorsed by the Epilepsy Foundation, Child Neurology Society, and
American College of Emergency Physicians.
Status epilepticus – continuous or rapid sequential seizure activity for
30 minutes or more – is a medical emergency with a high mortality rate in both
children and adults. Prompt and effective treatment is the key.
This guideline focuses on
convulsive status epilepticus in particular because it is the most common type
of status epilepticus and is associated with substantial mortality.
“The goal of therapy is the rapid termination of the seizure activity to
reduce neurological injuries and deaths.”
The guideline, which reviewed all
available adult and pediatric evidence, provides a treatment
algorithm that comprises three phases of treatment.
There is no
clear evidence that any one of these options is better than the others. Because
of adverse events, IV phenobarbital is a reasonable second-therapy alternative
if none of the three recommended therapies is available.
Thus, if
second therapy fails to stop the seizures, treatment considerations should
include repeating second-line therapy or anesthetic doses of either thiopental,
midazolam, pentobarbital, or propofol (all with continuous EEG monitoring).
The guideline also found evidence that depending on the causes or severity of the seizure, clinicians may go through the phases faster or even skip the second phase and move rapidly to the third phase, especially in sick or intensive care unit patients.
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