The American Journal of Gastroenterology
The aim of this study was to
investigate the effect of spontaneous sleep positions on the occurrence of
nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux.
In patients referred for
ambulatory pH-impedance reflux monitoring, the concurrent sleep position was
measured using a sleep position measurement device (measuring left, right,
supine, and prone positions).
Fifty-seven patients were
included. We observed a significantly shorter acid exposure time in the left,
compared with the right lateral position and the supine position. The
esophageal acid clearance time was significantly shorter in the left lateral
decubitus position, compared with the supine and right lateral positions.
The left lateral decubitus
position is associated with significantly shorter nocturnal esophageal acid
exposure time and faster esophageal acid clearance compared with the supine and
right lateral decubitus positions
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