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PubMed Central: Published June, 2019Onychomycosis is a fungal infection occurring in the nails and may affect the adjacent skin. Typically, it manifests as discoloration of the nail, nail plate thickening, and onycholysis. It is the most common nail pathology and accounts for about 90% of toenail infections worldwide.At present, there are sever...
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical AssociationThe authors investigated different oral antifungal medications used to treat toenail fungal infections.TAKE-HOME MESSAGECompared with placebo, high-quality evidence supports better clinical (ie, normal appearance of the toenail) and mycological (negative culture, microscopy, or both) results...
Principles of TherapyTopical AntifungalsTopical medications have better pharmacokinetics than their systemic counterparts. Hence, the combination is expected to have better mycological clearance than systemic and topical alone. The combination should be from different groups for wide coverage and also to prevent the emergence of resistance. Dru...
Clinicians should be more judicious in prescribing or recommending oral or topical antifungal therapy.Given the limited selection of antifungals, it is paramount to mitigate resistant cases. Mitigation proposals include:·              good skin hygiene,·    &nb...
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: Published on July, 2018Tinea capitis is the most common cutaneous fungal infection in children.TAKE HOME MESSAGEThis review aims to evaluate the differences that exist between medications for the treatment of tinea capitis, to determine whether there are any significant adverse effects associated...
Onychomycosis is accounting for up to 50% all nail disorders. It causes not only physical but also psychosocial and emotional distress to the patient. Treatment of the disease is far from satisfactory mainly due to high cost and long duration of therapy with poor patient compliance.TAKE HOME MESSAGE:This study aims to compare the efficacy of pu...
Journal of Drugs in DermatologyToenail onychomycosis is a common disease in which treatment options are limited and treatment failures and disease recurrence are frequently encountered. It usually requires many months of treatment and recurrence may occur in more than half of the patients within 1 year or more after the infection has been erad...