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Due to the changing face of dermatophytosis in India, many dermatologists practice different dosing patterns of itraconazole (ITZ). Recently, a new form of ITZ, super-bioavailable ITZ (SBITZ), has been commercialized to overcome the pharmacokinetic challenges of conventional ITZ (CITZ). ITZ is a weak base lipophilic molecule with a limite...
International Journal of Research in Dermatology: March, 2022Tinea caused by trichophyton,    microsporum,    and epidermophyton is the most common fungal infection affecting   20–25%   population globally,   with varying geographic distribution.Due to  Bangladesh’s hot and humid cli...
Indian Journal of Pharmacology: Published: May, 2019Dermatophytic infections are the common fungal infections aggravated by hot and humid climate. Terbinafine and Itraconazole are commonly used oral antifungal agents for the same. However, resistance to these drugs is being seen increasingly when used in the conventional doses and duration. In...
International Journal of Scientific Study (IJSS): May, 2020Superficial fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, non-dermatophytic molds, and commensal yeasts. According to published literature, the global prevalence rate of superficial mycotic infection has been found to be 20–25%. The recent prevalence of dermatophytosis in India ranges f...