Posted by Unimed & Unihealth Manufacturers Ltd.

American Family Physician (AFP) Journal: Published: Feb 1, 2015 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE Topical antifungal agents are the first-line therapy for acute and long-term treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the face and body.            Antifungal shampoos (long-term) and topical corticosteroids (short-term) can be used as sec...
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (SD) is a very common chronic and/or relapsing inflammatory skin disorder presenting with a papulosquamous morphology in areas rich in sebaceous glands, particularly the scalp, face, and body folds. Etiology Yeast of the genus Malassezia has long been regarded as a main predisposing factor. Additional predisposi...
Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor, is a common, benign, superficial fungal infection of the skin. Tinea versicolor is not considered contagious. Pityriasis versicolor is caused by Malassezia fungus, also known as Pityrosporum. It is a component of normal skin flora. It is more common in warm and humid conditions. C...