Efficacy of a New Malaria vaccine candidate (R21/Matrix-M) in Children

The Lancet: Published on September, 2022

A promising malaria vaccine was up to 80% effective at preventing the disease in young children who received a booster shot at one year following a primary three-dose regime maintained high efficacy against malaria, and continued to meet the World Health Organization’s Malaria Vaccine Technology Roadmap goal of a vaccine with at least 75% efficacy.

The R21/Matrix-M pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine candidate was developed at the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK).

This Vaccine candidate provides two years of protection in young children when given as a booster.


Here, authors report the ongoing safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of R21/Matrix-M, and the number of malaria cases averted by this vaccine over 2 years of follow-up, following administration of the first booster dose in children aged 5–17 months.

Authors previously reported high-level efficacy of R21 adjuvanted with 50 μg of Matrix-M, administered before the malaria season, reaching the WHO-specified goal of at least 75% efficacy over 1 year in the target population of African children.

The administration of a booster dose 12 months following the primary series of R21/Matrix-M vaccinations shows the added benefit of a fourth dose when administered before the malaria season.

Vaccine efficacy was maintained in the high-dose adjuvant group, at 80% following the booster vaccine over 12 months, and 75% over 24 months after the primary three-dose regimen.

Furthermore, vaccine efficacy against multiple episodes of clinical malaria was similar (78%) over 2 years of follow-up. R21/Matrix-M has a favourable safety profile and also induces high levels of malaria-specific anti-NANP antibodies that correlate with the observed protection against clinical malaria.


These findings demonstrate the potential of a booster dose of R21/Matrix-M to maintain the high efficacy seen after the primary vaccination series.

Delivered seasonally, the R21/Matrix-M vaccine continues to show an acceptable safety profile in the second year of follow-up and following a fourth dose.

Pre-season dosing with this promising malaria vaccine candidate could provide durable protection to children living in highly seasonal malaria transmission settings and vaccination strategy could have a substantial impact in areas of highly seasonal malaria transmission in Africa.

This phase 1/2b trial has now progressed to a fully enrolled phase 3 trial, with 4800 participants, aiming for licensure of the R21/Matrix-M vaccine in 2023.

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Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. We previously reported the efficacy of the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine, which reached the WHO-specified goal of 75% or greater efficacy over 12 months in the target population of African children. Here, we report the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy results at 12 months following administration of a booster vaccination.


This double-blind phase 1/2b randomised controlled trial was done in children aged 5–17 months in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Eligible children were enrolled and randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive three vaccinations of either 5 μg R21/25 μg Matrix-M, 5 μg R21/50 μg Matrix-M, or a control vaccine (the Rabivax-S rabies vaccine) before the malaria season, with a booster dose 12 months later. Children were eligible for inclusion if written informed consent could be provided by a parent or guardian. Exclusion criteria included any existing clinically significant comorbidity or receipt of other investigational products. A random allocation list was generated by an independent statistician by use of block randomisation with variable block sizes. A research assistant from the University of Oxford, independent of the trial team, prepared sealed envelopes using this list, which was then provided to the study pharmacists to assign participants. All vaccines were prepared by the study pharmacists by use of the same type of syringe, and the contents were covered with an opaque label. Vaccine safety, efficacy, and a potential correlate of efficacy with immunogenicity, measured as anti-NANP antibody titres, were evaluated over 1 year following the first booster vaccination. The population in which the efficacy analyses were done comprised all participants who received the primary series of vaccinations and a booster vaccination. Participants were excluded from the efficacy analysis if they withdrew from the trial within the first 2 weeks of receiving the booster vaccine. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, and is continuing for a further 2 years to assess both the potential value of additional booster vaccine doses and longer-term safety.


Between June 2, and July 2, 2020, 409 children returned to receive a booster vaccine. Each child received the same vaccination for the booster as they received in the primary series of vaccinations; 132 participants received 5 μg R21 adjuvanted with 25 μg Matrix-M, 137 received 5 μg R21 adjuvanted with 50 μg Matrix-M, and 140 received the control vaccine. R21/Matrix-M had a favourable safety profile and was well tolerated. Vaccine efficacy remained high in the high adjuvant dose (50 μg) group, similar to previous findings at 1 year after the primary series of vaccinations. Following the booster vaccination, 67 (51%) of 132 children who received R21/Matrix-M with low-dose adjuvant, 54 (39%) of 137 children who received R21/Matrix-M with high-dose adjuvant, and 121 (86%) of 140 children who received the rabies vaccine developed clinical malaria by 12 months. Vaccine efficacy was 71% in the low-dose adjuvant group and 80% in the high-dose adjuvant group. In the high-dose adjuvant group, vaccine efficacy against multiple episodes of malaria was 78% (95% CI 71 to 83), and 2285 (95% CI 1911 to 2568) cases of malaria were averted per 1000 child-years at risk among vaccinated children in the second year of follow-up. Among these participants, at 28 days following their last R21/Matrix-M vaccination, titres of malaria-specific anti-NANP antibodies correlated positively with protection against malaria in both the first year of follow-up and second year of follow-up.


A booster dose of R21/Matrix-M at 1 year following the primary three-dose regimen maintained high efficacy against first and multiple episodes of clinical malaria. Furthermore, the booster vaccine induced antibody concentrations that correlated with vaccine efficacy. The trial is ongoing to assess long-term follow-up of these participants and the value of further booster vaccinations.

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